martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

FAIR GAME, discurso final de Joe Wilson

Película "Fair game" discurso final de Joe Wilson extrído del guión, sus palabras son un fuerte alegato en favor de la VERDAD, el COMPROMISO y la DEMOCRACIA. INT. CAVERNOUS LECTURE THEATRE, COLUMBUS OHIO. NIGHT Joe steps out onto a stage. Packed to the rafters. Kids stand on window ledges, others hang over balconies. SILENCE. JOE WILSON How many of you know who put it in? (No hands.) How many of you know my wife's name? (Everyone in the hall.) How do you know one and not the other? JOE WILSON (cont'd) How did the question move from "Why are we going to war?" to "Who Is that man's wife". I asked the first question. Someone else asked the second. It worked. Its still working. Because we still don't know the truth. But you all know my wife's name. INT. TAXI (MOVING). DAY. Valerie sits in the back of a cab, looking out of the window. JOE WILSON V/O Public officials swear an oath to uphold the constitution. That is their duty. They must be kept to their oath. That is yours. This offense wasn't committed against me. Nor against my wife... THE HALL. JOE WILSON It was committed against you. And if you ever feel angry. Misrepresented. Ashamed even. VALERIE IN THE CAB. JOE WILSON (O.S.) Do something about it. In 1787 as Benjamin Franklin left the Constitution Hall after the last drafting session, he was stopped by a woman on the street. She asked-- THE HALL. JOE WILSON -what manner of government have you bequeathed us? Ben said 'A Republic madam. If you can keep it.' BACK TO: VALERIE IN THE CAB. THE PASSING STREET REFLECTED ON HER FACE. JOE WILSON If you can keep it. CUT TO: INT. AIRPORT TERMINAL TEHRAN. DAY Sa'ad and his family walk out of the jetway and are greeted by officials and men in uniform. Sa'ad smiles and shakes hands. His wife nervously shepherds their children. JOE WILSON V/O The responsibilty for this country does not lie in the hands of a privileged few. EXT. MOUNTAINOUS ROAD. DAY Sa'ad, a Korean man and two officers of the Sepah revolutionary guard ride in a four wheel drive through rugged Iranian countryside, reflected on his face. JOE WILSON We are strong and we are free from tyranny only for as long as each and every one of us remembers their duty as citizens. EXT. NATANZ NUCLEAR RESEARCH FACILITY, IRAN. DAY Sa'ad arrives at the heavily fortified reactor. He is introduced to several men the last of which is Manucher Vaziri, the arms dealer Valerie was tracking. VAZIRI Welcome to the revolution my brother. Sa'ad looks up at the state of the art facility. CUT TO: EXT. CAPITOL HILL. DAY. VALERIE GETS OUT OF THE CAB. She walks down the street past the gleaming government buildings. JOE WILSON Whether its a pothole at the end of your street or a lie in the State of the Union Address..Speak up. Ask the question. Demand the truth. VALERIE Valerie walks. We see the Capitol dome behind her. She begins to climb steps.. JOE WILSON Democracy is not a free ride... THE HALL. JOE WILSON Man I'm here to tell you that. But its where we live. And if we do our job its where our children will live. God bless America.
A roar erupts from the auditorium.